Here's the skinny on CasaNegra:
Yes, it is a division of Panik House.
Yes, we are doing extensive restoration work (on the latest DaVinci system).
Yes, we are going to continue to release both the Asian and Mexican lines.
We launched a separate label to distinguish (and preserve) the differences between the Asian line and this new line of Mexican classics. We've done our best to cater to the Latin community by including Spanish language menus and extras on our Panik House DVDs (whenever contractually possible), but wanted to give these films their own identity. There's even an extra fancy fan-site to which we've been supplying content called Haunted Hacienda dedicated to the classic films of the Alameda film library, and we've been approached by some pretty big organizations to help organize festival and revival screenings.
The support and media coverage we've gotten already on CasaNegra is just about double what the initial press was for Panik House*, which should prove to everyone that the previous void for these films is anxious to be filled.
In addition to the already released Curse Of The Crying Woman and The Witches Mirror, our schedule for 2006 will include:
Braniac (aka El baron Del Terror)
The Black Pit of Dr. M (aka Myserios De Ultratumba)
El Vampiro (in a special 2 Disc collection including The Vampire's Coffin)
...and a set of three Pepito films that we will be producing exclusively for the Latin market.
We've included some Loteria game cards in the first few CasaNegra titles, which ties into the theme of this year's Los Angeles Latin International Film Festival by coincidence.
*Panik House has also had some pretty amazing developments lately.
I had to re-press (re-manufacture) Sex & Fury to handle the constant reordering on this title. As promised, this time it's a standard package: rewarding the early consumers with the transparent editions for buying early.
We were also just given a half page of editorial space in the October issue of Hustler (on stands now) for the Pinky Violence Collection. It seems that every week we gain more and more momentum on the Pinky Violence tip, which is pretty incredible considering that it's a one hundred dollar item and about 8 months old by now.
It all gives credence to my credo: if you supply them with naked Japanese girls, they will come...
And here's the nifty new covers for the single DVD releases of two movies from last year's amazing PINKY VIOLENCE box set. Hot!
Check the links at the right to visit the respective webpages of these DVD Giants!
Dear Panik House,
Those covers look great, but howsabout instead of running your catalog into the ground you release some new Pinky Violence titles? The boxed set was last year and it's almost August.
Marshall Crist
OK I didn't want to say it but ...
We REALLY could use some more Pinky Violence or just more of any 70s Japanese exploitation, genre and cult stuff, alright? In fact, I would say we NEED it!
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