BORN OF FIRE (Mondo Macabro) out 10-27-2009
DJANGO SHOOTS FIRST (Dorado Films) out 10-27-2009
EVIL FACE (Mya Communications) out 10-27-2009
FAMILY SCANDAL (Mya Communications) out 10-27-2009
FROM THE ORIENT WITH FURY (Dorado Films) out 10-27-2009
GATLING GUN (Dorado Films) out 10-27-2009
GRAVEYARD DISTURBANCE (Mya Communications) out 10-27-2009
THE HANGING WOMAN (Troma) out 9-29-2009
HANNA D. THE GIRL FROM VONDEL PARK (Severin) out 10-27-2009
I BOUGHT A VAMPIRE MOTORCYCLE (Redemption) out 10-27-2009
SHINOBI NO MONO-COLLECTOR SET VOL. 1 (AnimEigo) out 9-15-2009
STUNT ROCK (Code Red) out 8-25-2009
THE STRANGENESS (Code Red) out 8-18-2009
TINTO BRASS COLLECTION VOL. 3 (Cult Epics) out 10-27-2009
THE WEEKEND MURDERS (Code Red) out 8-11-2009
See ya next time, fellow weird movie addicts!
Drooling. Can't wait for many of these releases.
Yeah, BORN OF FIRE and MESSIAH OF EVIL are two DVDs that NEED to be in my collection. Plenty of other greatness as well though.
I already have the UK vhs for Bava's GRAVEYARD DISTURBANCE and, uh, I think the vhs will just do me fine for the next few yrs to come. If you catch my drift. No, it's not very good.
I taped DJANGO SHOOTS FIRST from TV in Italian with subs. The UK dvd also has subs so it'll be interesting to see if this reg.1 dvd sports an English dub.
Thanks for the heads up on GRAVEYARD Jack. Many of these Mya titles seem to straddle the interesting/forgettable divide. Much of their stuff will be rentals for me.
DVDs are around. You could find it in any places, except for music instructioal dvds that I seldom see in the market.
Thanks for this awesome movie galore this stuff is amazing, perfect for any b movie collector!
This will not truly have success, I consider so.
DVDs are around. You could find it in any places, except for music instructioal dvds that I seldom see in the market.
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